Trainer Blog

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Want to have a voice that people love listening to?

Why can’t we all sound like James Earl Jones?
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8 myths and truths about virtual presentations

It’s difficult enough.
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15 easy ways to engage your online learners

You can see it on their faces.
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How Gamification Boosts Engagement in Hybrid Learning Environments

Guest Blog from C3 SoftWorks - Written By: Erin Patrick-Proza
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9 tips for designing eye-catching webinar slides

Ever said this to a learner who missed your training?
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8 signs you’re unknowingly demotivating your online learners

You know the participants.
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6 webinar tools to actively involve your learners

They’re in front of a huge distractor.
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Why Gamification Works with Adaptive Content Delivery

Guest Blog from C3 SoftWorks - Written By: Erin Patrick-Proza
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5 dangerous myths about virtual training

We all know what happens when we assume. But assumptions are especially problematic in ...
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Rules of Engagement: How to create captivating webinars

So here are 6 “rules of engagement” for how to lead virtual trainings that are, well, ...
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Key similarities and differences between in-person and webinar training

They’re like apples and oranges. They couldn’t be more different. And yet, there are ways in ...
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5 common reasons participants don't engage in learning activities

Mrs. Doubtfire wouldn’t be the best trainer. That is, if her training is anything like her ...
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