Trainer Blog

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Training Icebreaker Activity: Four Quadrant Name Tent

Creative Training Technique: Opener Name: Four Quadrant Name Tent Objectives: Break the ice ...
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How Gamification Boosts Engagement in Hybrid Learning Environments

Guest Blog from C3 SoftWorks - Written By: Erin Patrick-Proza
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Why Gamification Works with Adaptive Content Delivery

Guest Blog from C3 SoftWorks - Written By: Erin Patrick-Proza
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5 energizers that’ll ‘thrill’ your online learners

WARNING: This first energizer is a little spooky. But don’t save it for Halloween season. It ...
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The Facts Behind Gamification In E-learning

Day after day of virtual training can get repetitive for both the trainer and learner. Human ...
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Using Gamification to Rethink Corporate Training

In the past, “fun” was not a word employees often used to describe corporate training. But ...
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Gamification on the Brain

How does game-based training affect the way we learn? As any parent can attest, we live in a ...
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Corporate Training, Keeping it Fresh: Gamification in Online Learning

E-learning has long been used in place of in-class learning sessions and is most often ...
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Playing Games Can Boost Learning

Do you know what the term gamification means? Gamification is a training technique in which ...
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Training Trends to Come in 2019

The new year is right around the corner. It’s time to take a look at the training methods ...
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Train-the-Trainer Tip: Allow Participants to Play

"Play now or pay later" is how one author has described the importance of making sure we ...
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Train-the-Trainer Tip: Riddle Me This

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