Trainer Blog

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5 Benefits of Attending Industry Conferences

Most people enjoy the experience of attending a professional conference. There’s a lot to ...
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3 Growing Trends in Training, Learning and Development 2017

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How to Identify Your Organization’s Training Needs Before Revising a Training Program

One of the biggest mistakes organizations make when creating a new training program is ...
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Revolutionize Tired Training With a New Approach

Albert Einstein reputedly said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and ...
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Top 7 Reasons to Attend CTTC 2017

The Creative Training Techniques® Conference immerses attendees in the philosophy and ...
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Why Get a Professional Trainer Certification Through The Bob Pike Group?

Earning a professional training and development certification is one way to set yourself ...
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Join Becky at ATD 2017 for a Presentation on the Brain Science Behind Spacing

Are you heading to the ATD 2017 International Conference & Exposition in Atlanta next ...
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You Don’t Need to Be a Professional Trainer to Attend the 24th Annual Creative Training Techniques® Conference

The Creative Training Techniques® Conference isn’t just for professional trainers. The ...
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5 Ways to Use Social Media in Training

Don’t be afraid to bring social media into your training! There are many tools out there – ...
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Learn 6 Time Management Strategies

You and your fellow workers are overworked, over-connected and over-extended. For the sake ...
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How Managers Affect Employee Engagement

Although managers influence the job commitment and satisfaction of employees, as many as ...
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How to Run Effective Business Meetings

The average professional workweek has steadily expanded over the past decade, and one of the ...
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