Trainer Blog

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Training Tips on How to Communicate Across Generations

Creative Training and Teaching Techniques Each generation brings their own set of unique ...
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Tips for Dealing with Difficult Participants in a Training Class

Creative Training Techniques 101: The Basics It takes just one person to quickly derail the ...
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Enhance Your Training Sessions Using Digital Devices

With all of the digital devices readily available, it’s a wonder why trainers aren’t ...
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Before, During and After Tips for a Successful Facilitation

Facilitation, training and lecturing are three different session components that require ...
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3 Energizers to Keep Participants Engaged

It’s mid-afternoon, and you’re sitting at your desk. The blood is pooling to your feet, and ...
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Five Tips for Great Debriefing Answers

During a debriefing, the answers you give are just as important as the answers you’re ...
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How to Get the Most Out of Your Debriefing Questions

Debriefing is a critical component of participant-centered learning; it establishes learner ...
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High Tech vs. Low Tech: Perks and Pitfalls

Technology has created countless new tools to facilitate teaching, make presentations more ...
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Stock Up on These Essential Supplies for a New Season of Training

The back-to-school mentality doesn’t have to end when you finish school. September is a ...
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Methods for Fostering Learner Motivation

Every trainer has found themselves in the predicament of standing in front of a classroom ...
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10 Presenter Myths and Truths

Throughout the years, we’ve seen dozens of myths come up over and over again about how to be ...
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Setting Up For Success: Classroom Prep

So you’ve planned a dynamo instructional design for your upcoming training session, but now ...
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