Trainer Blog

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More Bang for Your Buck

Will you be joining us for our annual training conference in Minneapolis September 24-26? ...
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Expert Index: An Energizer for Webinars

Need to add some oomph to your webinar? Energizers can be done virtually, too! Use this ...
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Train-the-Trainer Tip: Selling Training to Management

Getting management support was the number one pain you said you had in your side as trainers ...
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Train-the-Trainer Tip: Learning for Life

In participating in a program this week, I was once again struck by how often it seems we ...
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Two Tips for Training Managers

Training Managers? Here's a tip or two: Send Vital Material to Support Staff of Management ...
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Creative Training Tools for Increasing Trainee Participation

Here are some ideas to increase your trainees' participation! Remind Trainees to Lighten ...
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Three Ways to Improve Your Training Sessions with Infographics

Pictures may say a thousand words, but it’s not always easy to hear what they’re saying. For ...
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Meet Adrianne Roggenbuck, Creative Teaching Champion and BPG Trainer

Before discovering instructor-led, participant-centered training, "I used to worry about ...
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Airplane Armor: A Closer for Webinar Training

This is a great activity to get people thinking and talking. It works with all audiences, ...
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Train-the-Trainer Tip: Riddle Me This

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A Memory Trick for Training and Real Life

The only way training can be used back on the job is if it's remembered. Knowing memory ...
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GREEN Training: Decreasing Tension, Increasing Retention

If you think about it, you might deduce that when our bodies are prepared for fight or ...
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