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Exploring 4 Models of Instructional Design

If you’re reading this, you know that online course design is tricky. While there are ...
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How to Keep Your Training Plans Flexible (In-Person or Online)

Flexibility. It’s something most employees want in their careers, and it’s becoming ...
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5 Tips for a Better Presentation In Person or Online

Presentations are a form of public speaking. For many trainers, that means one thing: fear. ...
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What is Hybrid Training?

The events of 2020 caused nearly all professional trainers to embrace virtual and online ...
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5 Key Instructional Design Tips for E-Learning

Whether you were prepared or not, making the move to virtual training wasn’t much of a ...
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7 Tips to More Effective Instructional Design

If you’ve been in the corporate world a while, chances are you’ve been subjected to ...
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Improve Your Training Engagement with the EAT Principle

Be sure to include EAT in your Instructor-Led, Participant-Centered training session. I’ll ...
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The Annual Conference Helped This Attendee Take Control of Her Training

In continuation of the insider’s view series, I had the chance to talk with Ava Varelas from ...
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Time to Create Your Own Results Based Training Design

If you’ve been reading the previous posts about the core principles in an Instructor-Led, ...
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CIO is the Cornerstone of Social Learning for Your Training Design

Another core concept of building an Instructor-Led, Participant-Centered Workshop is CIO. ...
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Does Your Training Design Need CPR?

One of the core concepts of building an Instructor-Led, Participant-Centered Workshop is ...
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Increase Innovation with Effective Design Consulting!

Corporate America is starving for innovation. Hierarchical org charts, pressure for ...
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