The Benefits of Podcasting

Ahhhh, podcasting…the next great idea in on-the-go training or training to a captive market! But should you do it? And how?

Why podcast? You can still save money while creating training retention. Siemens Medical Solutions of Malvern, Pa., purchased about 100 iPods for its molecular-imaging group in 2006 for training and sales support. This training-method transition allowed them to reduce training sessions from four to two annually. Cost of each session? $125,000. Price of the iPods? $30,000. Savings per year? $220,000.

Convenience and efficiency also are other obvious reasons. SonoSite, creator of handheld ultrasound machines, offers training viewed on iPods as refreshers for doctors. "The rising cost of healthcare demands that physicians become more efficient, particularly at the point of care," said Daniel D. Price, MD, a staff emergency physician at Highland General Hospital in Oakland, Calif. “Focused, well-designed one-to-five minute tutorials can be viewed on an iPod wherever, whenever they are needed, and can bring the physician or medical student up-to-date, on the spot.”

What do you need to consider when deciding to podcast or not to podcast?

“iPod-delivered learning falls closely into the category of other static learning deliverables (DVD movie, VHS movie, or internet based video),” said Nathan Bryant, director of global channel at Makau Corporation, a maker of iPod learning. “This is simply due to the fact that the iPod is an ‘output’ viewing device and not one that allows for non-linear interactivity as exists in many eLearning training courses.”

An EMC sales force survey suggests that 15 minutes is about right for audio podcasts, said Anders Gronstedt, president of Gronstedt Group America. “Video podcasts tend to be much shorter; EMC limits its ‘vods’ to five minutes. The format of the show is often key to its success, and this decision is inextricably tied to the culture of the organization. Programs that emulate fast-paced radio shows stand a much greater chance of success than a droning lecture.”

“Some learning (like tips and tricks) can be covered in small segments that are only 2-5 minutes in length. However, a complete learning path for a topic could take 1-2 hours or more,” Bryant said. “Fortunately, like all self-paced mediums of learning, the iPod user is ultimately in control of the experience and can determine when to pause and restart based on their own learning and attention thresholds.” 

“Success stories from IBM, EMC, and other companies suggest that podcasting is transforming corporate learning,” Gronstedt said. “Most of the early adopters of podcasting are using it for ongoing reinforcement of skills and a channel of corporate communications to the field organization. Sales people are the early adopters; they spend a lot of time in their cars and are motivated to learn.”

Bryant said, Makau, despite the growing popularity of podcasting for business, “We find that the majority of our audiences still prefer the larger format deliverables on DVD movie or interactive CD-ROM.”

Areas that are less appropriate for podcasting, according to Gronstedt, fall into two categories:

  • Technical skill that requires visualization, like software training, is difficult to convey via audio podcasting
  • Compliance driven training, where students are not particularly motivated to learn and there’s a strong testing and certification component. Learners are less likely to play such training outside of the office and tracking results is difficult.

Why podcast over vodcast? “They both have their advantages and drawbacks,” Gronstedt said. ”The audio podcast is less expensive to produce, smaller in file size, and people can listen and learn while multitasking. The vodcast is appropriate when the visual instruction is important.”

Additional podcast resources include Anders Gronstedt’s ASTD Infoline at the following link:

Gronstedt Group offers a complete suite of custom-developed podcast services ranging from content development and production, to hosting and delivery. Makau offers Microsoft Office training in this media format. 

This article was re-uploaded from our internal archive.

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