Two Engaging Closure and Review Activities

Vocab Jingles

When learning specialized vocabulary, divide students up into small teams. Be sure they know the definitions of the words. This is a revisit or closing activity.

With your team, create a rap, jingle or song for one of these words: (this is an example of a social studies unit for middle or high school.) The jingle should include the definition and/or usage of the word.


  • Constitution
  • Amendments
  • Executive branch
  • Legislative branch
  • Judicial branch

After students have prepared their jingles, they share them with the class.

Sample standard: Grades 9-12: US Government and Citizenship: Students will define and provide examples of fundamental principles and core values of American political and civic life.



Compound Scramble

Purpose: Help students learn compound words by using this fun closer or revisit activity.

Process: In teams, have the students brainstorm compound words (e.g.: snowflake, moonlight, playground). On index cards have them write half of each word. Collect the cards, shuffle and distribute them to the class. Now individuals do a Human Scramble to find their compound partner. Those new pairs then write a sentence using their compound word and share it with the class.

Sample standard: Grade 3: Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.


These ideas were submitted by Priscilla Shumway, a former teacher and training consultant with The Bob Pike Group. 

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