Train-the-Trainer Tip: Jargon Busters

Often trainers are bombarded with acronyms and jargon related to the material they have to train. How can they help their participants become aware of the meaning of them in an enjoyable way? Here are a couple of Jargon Buster activities to try:

  1. Meaning Match: As an opener at the beginning of the session have two stacks of colored cards on each table. One color card has the acronym or new word on it and the other color has the meaning. Challenge the table groups to work together as a team to correctly match the words to their meanings. Include a list of all the words and acronyms in a glossary section of the handout so that the teams can self-check for accuracy. This glossary also becomes a reference for use during and after the presentation for participants who don’t remember all of the terms.


  1. Guess the Word: As a revisiting activity, divide the group into two or more teams. Give each team a list of terms and a stack of index cards. The list should be different for each group. The teams write the definition for each of the words on their list on a separate index card. The teams then swap index cards and see if they can identify the word that goes with the meaning without having the list to choose from. They write the word on the back of the card with its meaning and return the cards to the originating team for scoring. Points and prizes may be awarded.


  1. Beat the Clock: As a revisiting activity, have teams of participants match jargon words and acronyms to their definition, and have a timekeeper for each team keep track of how long it takes them. Have them do the activity again and try to beat their first time.


Submitted by Adrianne Roggenbuck, a former classroom teacher who is currently an educational trainer and consultant for the Bob Pike Group. 

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