Leave ‘em Jazzed: How to End Your Class with Impact

Do you feel like your class or training session just kind of ends with a whimper rather than a firecracker bang? It doesn’t have to be that way. You can make a memorable impression by closing your session with impact and purpose. This does not include filling up every last minute with content or “wrapping up” by asking the group if they have questions. Instead, reserve the last 10-15 minutes of your session for a powerful ending.

Bring your course full circle and end with a purpose by including these 4 steps:

  • Allow for Reflection and Action Planning
    One of the best ways you can help people retain information is by asking your participants to reflect on the lesson. Ask them to spend time writing about what they learned and how they’ll use it when back on the job. Reflection is a natural part of the learning process. (When a concept is abstract, it’s harder to keep in mind. When it seems relevant to your situation, it’s easier to memorize.)

  • Celebrate Good Times
    Your participants have invested valuable time, energy and other resources into attending your training or presentation. Celebrate their investments and achievements. Award prizes, hand out certificates or high-five group members—anything that recognizes their hard work during training.

  • Tie Things Together
    Circle-back to the objectives to make sure they’ve been accomplished and incorporate a review. Ask participants to share their most valuable take-aways and if their personal objectives were met. This reinforces relevant skills and knowledge that might not have been familiar by others in the group.

  • Use the Power of Positivity
    Make sure your final remarks are strong. Close with a quote, story, or statement that puts participants in a positive frame of mind.  

The close of a training session is also a great marketing opportunity. If participants walk out of the room feeling energized and believe that their time was well spent, they are more likely to refer your training to peers and supervisors.


*Editor’s note: This blog was originally published in 2014 and updated with fresh content.

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