Do Your 'Homework' for Advanced Training Results

Whenever I discuss presenting an Research-based Creative Teaching Strategies or Designing Lessons that SCORE (Super Closers, Openers, Revisiters and Energizers) training with one of my education clients, the first question I always ask is what they expect from the training. In other words, what are the results they are looking for? That way I can be prepared for any specific questions they might have related to how to apply the training to the specific needs of their school. I can also be on the lookout for opportunities to make connections between the training experiences and their curriculum.

Several times I've tried a simple strategy that applies some of The Bob Pike Group training techniques to their subject area. This usually takes as little as 10 or 15 minutes and can replace one of the “optional” activities in the training. I have found that sometime between the after-lunch opener and the mid-afternoon break is a good time for this activity.

For example, since I often work with schools that want to improve their students’ reading skills, I might introduce a simple activity such as a “Word Splash” or “Possible Sentences” to have the participants practice making connections or writing sentences with words selected from a short reading passage. This activates background knowledge and improves reading comprehension. These strategies also perfectly reinforce the EAT Delivery Model. Participants first Experience some words from the text. Then they gradually become Aware of what the text will be about. Finally they get the Theory, the complete understanding of the text selection. Also, by experiencing this activity, teachers will be more likely to try it in their own classrooms.

I used a short 150-word passage about the Chilean earthquake this spring and one about white wine this summer. The wine article really captured their interest, produced some interesting discussion, and gave the participants some ideas for a bit of “extra-curricular” activity after the workshop. I feel the small enhancement added a lot of value to the training, and both clients asked me back for follow-up workshops at a later date.

Mike Toncray is a consultant with the Professional Development Alliance in Joliet, Ill. The PDA is one of the Bob Pike certified partners who offers Research-Based Creative Teaching Strategies and Designing Lessons That SCORE

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