Closer: Crossword Puzzle Race

One challenge every trainer faces is training transfer—making sure your learners actually learn the content and aren’t just exposed to it. One way to accomplish this is reviewing without calling it review.

Here’s an activity you can do with any size group in a training session that is at least one day in length that helps revisit content.

Process: Prior to class, turn key learning points into a crossword puzzle. At the end of the course, each participant (if a smaller group) or team (in a larger group setting) receives a puzzle. The trainer has teams or individuals race to see who can fill the puzzle first. The same puzzle can be used for everyone if there is not enough information to create several puzzles or a different puzzle can be used for each group. Modest prizes are given to all.

You can split the group into teams of any size, but teams of three to five are ideal.

This activity can be found in 50 Creative Training Closers by Lynn Solem and Bob Pike.

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