Central Ky. Special Education Cooperative SCORES with New Teachers


At Central Ky. Special Education Cooperative, a new philosophy of training is emerging. Training and self-development have become interchangeable terms. Through consultation and partnerships with The Bob Pike Group, a participant-centered (self-development) approach is used to deliver professional development.

Each fall, newly hired teachers attend a series of professional development sessions. The Bob Pike Designing Lessons That SCORE workshop is one of them. It is the belief of CKSEC that “how” content is taught is equally important as “what” content is taught. The SCORE Workshop facilitates the new teachers preparing lessons which include openers and closers, energizers, revisiters, and small group activities.

Following the workshop, classroom walk-throughs by the CKSEC staff are validating an increase in student engagement through the use of the SCORE strategies. Increased student engagement leads to greater retention of the content, and greater retention of the content makes everyone happy!

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