Guidelines for Adding Mentoring to Your Training

Your primary goal as a trainer is to change the behavior of your participants by helping them learn and develop specific skills and knowledge. You can also easily double as mentor to make the training experience even more beneficial for you and your learners.

The interactive exchange of mentoring – balancing the give and take so both the trainer and the participant teach and learn from one another – is fostered and encouraged in a participant-centered training environment. (The opposite is true for lecture-based approach because it only allows for one-way communication.)

The building blocs of a sound mentoring program are found in participant-centered training. The foundation of both include: knowing your content well, teaching from experience, acknowledging participant experience in the room, allowing for the group to share ideas and remaining open to learning from your participants.

When you’re ready to add mentoring to your participant-centered training, follow these guidelines:

  • Create a safe learning environment. Use openers to establish relationships within the group and to create a relaxed and friendly learning space.
  • Provide the right tools for the employee to succeed. Include a workbook and ‘where to go’ reference materials.
  • Eliminate roadblocks. Set objectives, establish a roadmap, and allow time for revisiting content to increase learning.
  • Urge your learners to think about how they will apply what you have taught them when back on the job. Reflection time is a key component to ensure the transfer of knowledge.
  • Challenge participants to set goals and commit to them. Be mindful of unreasonable timeframes.
  • Help review and evaluate progress. Give feedback wisely so it doesn’t impede learning. Acknowledge that learning has taken place when it occurs because confidence is an empowering catalyst for more learning.


Millennials are the future leaders of your organization.

Mentor them properly and they just might be your competitive advantage.


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